The short answer is yes. There are many mistakes that can be made when removing a tree from your Carroll County, MD property. As a company that has been providing Maryland with tree removal services for years, we wanted to take some time today to discuss some of the different mistakes we’ve seen people make when trying to remove trees over the years.

Not Following Proper Safety Procedures
Felling a tree is very dangerous work, and proper safety precautions need to be made. First, you should be wearing all of the proper safety gear. This means hard hats, goggles, and gloves. Wearing these could save your limbs, and even your life. Second, you need to follow proper safety precautions. Make sure you know which way the tree will fall, and ensure nothing of importance is in its path. If you’re not sure how to safely remove the tree, you should consult with an experienced Carroll County tree removal company.
Remove the Stumps
One common mistake we see people making is that they leave the stump of the tree behind once it’s been removed. Stumps make perfect homes for insects, particularly for termites. Termites will eat away at the stump, and once they’re finished with it, they may move on to your home. The best way to avoid this problem is to have a professional tree removal company remove the stump.
Plan an Escape Route
When felling a tree, you typically want to try to do it in the direction that it’s leaning, though this isn’t always easy. Trees have a tendency to be unpredictable and sometimes can fall in any direction. This is why you need to have a plan in place to make sure you can get out of the way if things don’t go as planned. Additionally, you should also make sure that no one else is within range of the tree, and that it can’t fall on anyone.
Get Help From a Professional Tree Removal Company in Carroll County
Here at Hagan & Sons, we’ve been helping out the good people of Carroll County for years, and we’ve enjoyed every second of it. We’ve removed thousands of trees, of all different species and sizes. If you have a tree that needs to be removed, don’t try to do it yourself. Get help from a professional. Our team of Carroll County tree removal experts is standing by ready to help, so contact us today.